Friday, March 6, 2015

Lack of Support

I was surprised that there was not a lot of support or help on the internet for those of us who are on the Autoimmune Paleo Diet and who are also pregnant.  So this is my feeble attempt to voice that women are doing the diet and are having healthy pregnancies and babies!  I am now in my 6th month of pregnancy.  I was on the AIP diet for 9 months before I was pregnant and have continued to be on the diet all the way through.  I do have an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's and psoriasis) and have not seen any reversal of my disease while pregnant.  I have been following a strict AIP diet - when I go into gray areas, I tend to get sick.  I am blessed to have a good doctor who has been managing my thyroid and listening to my symptoms and adjusting dosing as needed.  I have felt great this pregnancy due to this help and the diet.  This is my 6th pregnancy.  For previous pregnancies I did not have the Hashi diagnosis and felt so deadly tired and sleepy. I can tell when my thyroid is off, because I can feel that Hashi tiredness take over - the existence that I have known for far too long in my life.  I look forward to blogging more on myself and how this pregnancy is going in order to help others not feel as alone as I have during this pregnancy  journey.
